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VBA code to copy data from different works book to specific sheet of master workbook


New Member
I have to copy data from 15+ workbooks and combine it into a different master workbook. All these 15+ workbooks are identical and contains a sheet(tab) named 'Comment' and have same header names for different columns.
The master workbook contains 7 sheets, but I am only interested in sheet ‘Master Comment” as I want to copy the data from 15+ workbooks to this “Master Comment” sheet only. This “Master Comment” sheet also has the same column header name as 15+ workbooks.
All the workbooks are located in a same folder on my desktop.

So, I was wondering if someone could please help me to create a VBA code for this? I'm really new to VBA and would really appreciate your help!

Please let me know if you require any clarification.

Many thanks! =)
I can help you do it, and I'll probably enjoy it, but it'll take some coaching; we'll start with a simple program and add features until it does what you want. Probably easier to do it with email, though, rather than logging on here; if you're willing to learn, contact me at robhbridges (it's a gmail account) and we'll get started.