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VBA code snippet to activate a pivot slicer

Hi Jeffreyweir, Sure, I will have a look at those examples.

My requirement is to allow users to multi-select weeks or a month as a whole by showing a userform dropdown or a calendar. As per the selection the data is filtered and so the charts get refreshed.

Please see below links;



To be crisp, a calender view with option buttons aligned left.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
And how will the data be laid out that is getting filtered? None of your posts give us enough to go on, I'm afraid. It would be helpful to show the raw data, and what you expect the raw data to look like after the user has selected a date range.

You mention slicers in this post, but there are no pivottables in either of the download files at the other posts. Also, you have essentially posted the same thing in three different places on this forum. This makes it pretty time consuming for volunteers to help you out.