I have written a code to open a workbook on a network and calculate a QTY through sumifs formula with 2 criteria. I have 6000 parts and 10 products i am comparing the network file against. the network file is about 70,000 lines. i have tried looping the formula several ways. one line item and product at a time. one line item and all 10 products. all line items and 1 product, all line and all products. either way it is taking 25 minutes to calculate. then i have to format the cells against its required qty to what has been issued to the product. i have posted my code below. I had to delete path and file specific names,
Sub Populate()
Dim AC As String
Dim ACcount As Integer
Dim Parts As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim Qty As Long
Dim DataP As Double
Dim Cell As String
Dim P As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"network File"
Windows("network file").Activate
DataP = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count
Workbooks("current file").Activate
Sheets("sheet i am using in current file").Select
Range("H1").Select 'count products
ACcount = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Count
Parts = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count ' counts line items
' Range("A1").Select
'ActiveCell.Offset(0, i + 7).Select 'sets starting point for calculation against network file
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' AC = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
For P = 1 To Parts
ActiveCell.Range(Cells(P, 1), Cells(P, ACcount)).Formula = _
"=SUMIFS('[network file.xlsm]Data'!R1C10:R" & DataP & "C10,'[network file.xlsm]Data'!R1C8:R" & DataP & "C8,RC1,'[network file.xlsm]Data'!R1C21:R" & DataP & "C21,R1C)"
' ActiveCell.Range(Cells(P, 1), Cells(1, ACcount)).Value = ActiveCell.Range(Cells(P, 1), Cells(1, ACcount)).Value
Qty = ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, -3).Value 'this section formats cells. "i have tried removing this and just get the numbers to make it faster, but to no avail."
For i = 1 To ACcount
If ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Value < Qty Then
ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Interior.Color = 192
End If
If ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Value >= Qty Then
ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Interior.Color = 5287936
End If
'removing formula and setting values
ActiveCell.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Parts, ACcount)).Value = ActiveCell.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Parts, ACcount)).Value
Workbooks("network file".xlsm").Close savechanges:=False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub Populate()
Dim AC As String
Dim ACcount As Integer
Dim Parts As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim Qty As Long
Dim DataP As Double
Dim Cell As String
Dim P As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"network File"
Windows("network file").Activate
DataP = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count
Workbooks("current file").Activate
Sheets("sheet i am using in current file").Select
Range("H1").Select 'count products
ACcount = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Count
Parts = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Count ' counts line items
' Range("A1").Select
'ActiveCell.Offset(0, i + 7).Select 'sets starting point for calculation against network file
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' AC = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
For P = 1 To Parts
ActiveCell.Range(Cells(P, 1), Cells(P, ACcount)).Formula = _
"=SUMIFS('[network file.xlsm]Data'!R1C10:R" & DataP & "C10,'[network file.xlsm]Data'!R1C8:R" & DataP & "C8,RC1,'[network file.xlsm]Data'!R1C21:R" & DataP & "C21,R1C)"
' ActiveCell.Range(Cells(P, 1), Cells(1, ACcount)).Value = ActiveCell.Range(Cells(P, 1), Cells(1, ACcount)).Value
Qty = ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, -3).Value 'this section formats cells. "i have tried removing this and just get the numbers to make it faster, but to no avail."
For i = 1 To ACcount
If ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Value < Qty Then
ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Interior.Color = 192
End If
If ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Value >= Qty Then
ActiveCell.Offset(P - 1, i - 1).Interior.Color = 5287936
End If
'removing formula and setting values
ActiveCell.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Parts, ACcount)).Value = ActiveCell.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Parts, ACcount)).Value
Workbooks("network file".xlsm").Close savechanges:=False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub