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VBA code is required

Hello all

I have a macro which creates mail with the body of the mail now i want to display month and year in the body of the mail.

as October 2011. what is the VBA code for the same..?

Currently i am using MonthName(DatePart("m", Date) - 1) which gives me only month name, now i want to get the year as well.
Hi Jagadeesh ,

The year is available using the YEAR function. Concatenate the two as follows :

MonthName(DatePart("m", Date) - 1) + Str(Year(Date))

Of course , you can also have :

MonthName(DatePart("m", Date) - 1) + Str(DatePart("yyyy", Date))

Hi Jagadeesh ,

The command is .Font.Color = vbRed ; before the ".Font" , prefix the object you want the color RED to be applied to. If it is a range say C5:D17 , make it :

Range("C5:D17").Font.Color = vbRed
