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VBA Code improvement


New Member
hi, firstly thanks to those that helped me get this far. I've learnt a lot along the way, but need a bit more assistance please if anyone can help.

i have a spreadsheet that is a listing for all projects or jobs my business has running. What i am trying to do is after having created the file folder for a job (for which a macro exists), then populate the folder with the necessary documents within the folder. i have solved creation of the folders, but now want to automatically name and place the folder. i want to look in the Projects directory to see if there is a folder existing based on the last line of text, (in this case 5278, Line 41), then search for Customer Folder 5278, and create a sub folder using the job no, eg: 52780002. The difficulty is automatically using the last line of data each time, rather than do it manually.


The existing VBA code to create the folder is:
Option Explicit

Function GetFolderPath() As String
   Dim oShell As Object
   Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
    BrowseForFolder(0, "Please select folder", 0, "C:\Users\Design Laptop1\Dropbox (RMR Engineering)\RMR Engineering - General\RMR - Projects\")
   If Not oShell Is Nothing Then
        GetFolderPath = oShell.Items.Item.Path
        GetFolderPath = vbNullString
   End If
   Set oShell = Nothing
End Function

Sub Testxl()
   Dim FName As String
   Dim WbName As String
   Dim Search As String
   Dim Prompt As String
   Dim Title As String
   Dim MyDir1 As String
   Dim MyDir2 As String
   Dim Passed As Long
    MyDir1 = "\Project Files"
On Error GoTo Err:
    FName = GetFolderPath
   If FName <> vbNullString Then
        Prompt = "Please Input a Directory Name (Customer no. and Name)"
        Title = "Name"
        Search = InputBox(Prompt, Title)
       If Search = "" Then Exit Sub
   End If
    FName = FName & "\" & Search
    MkDir FName
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FName & "\" & Search & ".xls"
    MkDir ActiveWorkbook.Path & MyDir1
     'Test for existence of new folders.files   Passed = 1
    GetAttr (FName)
    Passed = 2
    GetAttr (FName & "\" & Search & ".xls")
    Passed = 3
    GetAttr (ActiveWorkbook.Path & MyDir1)

   'Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value = Search **Add if you require the name to be recorded in your spreadsheetErr:
Select Case Err
Case 53:           MsgBox "File/Folder not created. Failed at step " & Passed
Case 75:    MsgBox "Folder already exists"
End Select
End Sub
Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2018

Currently, the user starts to type the customer number in column D which then autofills. the customer number in column A will autofill column D. The user then filters Column C to see what the last number was for that customer, type the next job number in Column B, and then Column C is auto populated with the 8 digit job number.
You will see that there is a Create New Folder macro button, that takes the user to the directory, but then they have to manually type the 8 digit job number and description, per:

what i want to do is create the 8 digit sub folder under the 4 digit customer number, and copy across the various sub directory that is already populated with the various documentation required.


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