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VBA code for the formula in the attachement

Hi Team,

In the attachment i have been provided with a formula which ignores Special character ( Spaces & "-" to get the result in Sheets2 from Sheet 1. i need a VBA code to Identify Sheet1Range A4 value if found in Sheet 2 whole range A4 to A6 match then Place number in next coulmn cell of both Sheets where the value exits & matchs.


  • Book1.xlsx
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Hi , I need VBA code to Check each staring in Sheet1 from range A3 in sheets2 range A4 and identify ignores Spaces & Character "-" and place a number like 1 in Sheet2 against the identifier and also in sheet 1.

I need the farmula in the Sheet2 Cell B4 to be performing VBA for each string in Sheet1.

hope this clarifies.


  • Book1.xlsx
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