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VBA code Copy Data from one sheet to other sheet

Good Day!
I Was facing an issue. i want to copy data from APQ sheet to APQ history, VBA code doing fine. i need code which will not copy same data twice.
following Is code.

>>> use code - tags <<<
Sub Save_Data2()
Dim rng As Range
  Dim i As Long
  Dim a As Long
  Dim rng_dest As Range
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  i = 1
  Set rng_dest = Sheets("Invoice History").Range("E:J")
 ' Find first empty row in columns E:j on sheet Invoice Hsitory
  Do Until WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng_dest.Rows(i)) = 0
    i = i + 1
  'Copy range B10:G24 on sheet APQ to Variant array
  Set rng = Sheets("APQ").Range("B10:G24")
  For a = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng.Rows(a)) <> 0 Then
      rng_dest.Rows(i).Value = rng.Rows(a).Value
      'Copy Invoice number
      Sheets("Invoice History").Range("B" & i).Value = Sheets("APQ").Range("E4").Value
      'Copy Date
      Sheets("Invoice History").Range("A" & i).Value = Sheets("APQ").Range("H6").Value
      'Copy Company name
      Sheets("Invoice History").Range("C" & i).Value = Sheets("APQ").Range("D7").Value
      'Copy P.O number
      Sheets("Invoice History").Range("D" & i).Value = Sheets("APQ").Range("C5").Value
      i = i + 1
End If
  Next a
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        End Sub
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As guessing can't be coding …​
As a reminder :​
Marc L you are right but honestly speeaking i m Beginner and i just read your old comments and take the code and amend accordingly it works fine. but just facing issue what i mention in #1 now problem is what you saying is not enough for me to understand as Beginner to amend the code . it will be great help if you could eleborate.

here is the second code what you amend 2 years ago which will not copy one data twice.

>>> use code - tags <<<
 Sub Save_Data1()

 Const D = "&""¤""&", F = "TRANSPOSE(C5,E4,D7,H6,C§:C#,D§:D#,E§:E#,H§:H#)", H = 15

 Dim L%, V, Z%

 L = [B24].End(xlUp).Row: If L <= H Then Beep: Exit Sub

 With InvoiceHistory.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)

 If .Row > 1 Then

 V = Application.Match(Evaluate(Replace(Replace(Replace(F, "#", L), "§", H + 1), ",", D)), _

 .Parent.Evaluate(Replace(Replace("A2:A#,B2:B#,C2:C#,D2:D#,E2:E#,F2:F#,G2:G#,H2:H#I2:I#", "#", .Row), ",", D)), 0)

 For Z = 1 To L - H: V(Z) = IIf(IsError(V(Z)), False, H + Z): Next

 V = Join(Filter(V, False, False), ", ")

 If V > "" Then MsgBox "Data already saved in" & vbLf & vbLf & "row #" & V, vbExclamation, " Operation Aborted": Exit Sub

 End If

 .Offset(1).Resize(L - H, 4).Value2 = Array([E4], [C5], [D7], [H6])

 .Offset(1, 4).Resize(L - H, 3).Value2 = Cells(H + 1, 3).Resize(L - H, 3).Value2

 End With

End Sub
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what you amend 2 years ago
? So weird as this thread is your first thread !​
Anyway in the original thread where you picked up this procedure​
you can compare what is missing here in your initial post in order someone can help you …​
it will be great help if you could eleborate.
For guessing as I'm not even a beginner - won't waste time as your duty is to follow post #6 link in order there is nothing to guess -​
so according to your poor initial post I just can elaborate some generic principle :​
use a column as a marker when a row was copied in order it is easy to filter the non copied rows when the column is empty​
and you can start just activating the Macro Recorder and operating manually …​
Rather than this very beginner way using an additional column you may also compare some key(s)​
in order to find out if the data already exist within the destination worksheet.​
any how i am disappointed from this forum i was following it from last 12 years. first time i asked something and i got nothing. i was not aware thst here nothing for beginnier this place is only for the ninja.... any how thanks for evry thing..:cool::cool::cool:
Beginners have their place here if they do not confuse at least an Excel forum with some mind readers forum !​
So just follow post #6 link - see 'How to get the Best Results' section - in order any helper has nothing to guess​
and can give it a try 'cause expected essentials are missing in your initial post,​
such a mess / time waste when helpers have not much free time …​