Is it possible to have it that my macro doesn't clear all filters on my pivot table, but instead just clears 2 of them?
Basically on the below code, I only want Field2 to be reset, rather than Field1, Field11, Field15 and Field2.
Is it possible to have it that my macro doesn't clear all filters on my pivot table, but instead just clears 2 of them?
Basically on the below code, I only want Field2 to be reset, rather than Field1, Field11, Field15 and Field2.
Set pt1 = PivotTables("PivotTable1")
Set Field1 = pt1.PivotFields("Brand")
Set Field11 = pt1.PivotFields("Country")
Set Field15 = pt1.PivotFields("New Product Group")
pt1.ManualUpdate = True
sumField = Range("C3").Value
With pt1.PivotFields(Yeartype)
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
End With
If Yeartype = "Financial Year" Then
pt1.PivotFields("Calendar Year").Orientation = xlHidden
Set Field2 = pt1.PivotFields("Financial Year2")
pt1.PivotFields("Financial Year").Orientation = xlHidden
Set Field2 = pt1.PivotFields("Calendar Year2")
End If
pt1.DataFields(1).Orientation = xlHidden
pt1.PivotFields(sumField).Orientation = xlDataField
pt1.AllowMultipleFilters = True
Field1.CurrentPage = NewCat1
Field11.CurrentPage = NewCat5
Field15.CurrentPage = NewCat6
For Each pi In Field2.PivotItems
If Not ((pi.Name = NewCat2) Or (pi.Name = NewCat3)) Then
pi.Visible = False
End If
pt1.ManualUpdate = False