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Vb Marco to update weekly report using Auto vlookup & Auto Pivot



Objective: I want to build a weekly sales report in following steps

1. In Op_Sheet we will paste the data from SAP

3. in Base_Data there will an auto vlookup to create final sales data week on week


1. My Macro is not working

2. Post the data is extracted it should be paste as value ( data extracted using vlookup)----a dummy/helper column can be used & the entire OP_Sheet sheet will be cleared for reuse for upcoming next week.

Can anyone help in this issue.

Additionally is it possible to update/Change data source the sales pivot made from Base_Data can be automatically using macro...since every week only column is increased.

Thanks in advance


  • Vector_Beta_v1.xlsm
    420.3 KB · Views: 0

meanwhile I have worked on the problem & attached the modified version for your referral. Please look into this.
In addition to my previous request How to deselect the data &
is it possible to update/Change data source the sales pivot made from Base_Data can be automatically using macro...since every week only column is increased.


  • Vector_Beta_v1.1.xlsm
    466 KB · Views: 4