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VB code for AHT sheet


New Member

I want to make an AHT (Average Handling Time) sheet. The sheet is to calculate time of the calls taken by executives. Please help me for VB code. Is it possible to calculate time without using VB code?

The columns we will need-

Cust ID........Users........Start Time........Contact No.........Type.........End time.......On Call......Avail

00187442......02........08:06:14 AM......9769229910.......Home......08:08:20 AM.....

CUST ID : (editable)

USERS : (editable)

START TIME : time when executive receives the call. (cell should not be editable, shortcut key- Ctrl+T)

Cont No. : (editable)

TYPE : Home, Business, VIP (Drop-Down)

END TIME : when they ends the call. (cell should not be editable, shortcut key- Ctrl+T)

ON CALL : Handling time of the call. (should not be editable)

AVAIL : Difference between END TIME of previous call and START TIME of next call. (should not be editable)


Hi, Annen!

In your first post you told us what you've already done, which were your goals, you uploaded a sample file, everything fine.

In this post you just ask for something to be done, it seems more a specifications & requirement sheet for an IT department than a doubt or a question about Excel. I think you should have elaborated at least a little bit more before posting.

But despite of this, here's the link to a file that with no VBA code maybe it'd be suitable for your job.



PS: I suggest you kindly to read the three green sticky topics at this forums main page, specially the third one about posting rules & netiquette.


Particularly the third item: "Try and tell the readers what is the situation, what have you tried and what do you want to achieve."
Hello sir,


Actually the thing is I don't know how to use VB. I am trying to learn it.

We use an AHT sheet in the office(But I cant upload or cant send it to personal email), and there are so many things, which I want to change. I tried to make some changes by copying previous code, but it did not work. Even I searched for the code in this forum, but I could not find it.

Whenever I need something, I search here, I learn & I create a new one. This time I could not..

I'm not looking for the specific code for AHT, I want to learn VB actually, so that I can do it by my self..

Sir, I'm really sorry, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!

Hi, Annen!

This forums are for learning, asking, and being helped. The better way to walk thru this steps is to define the problem, try to solve it, identify the stuck points, and write all these down within a post or uploaded files.

I tried to give you a workbook with code that was suitable for you issue, sorry you couldn't manage how to handle it. Let's try to do this: I don't ask you to upload o e-mail your real workbook with real data; what you can do is upload a sample book, with the same worksheets and worksheet structure data as your real one, just replace names, values and any other reference, then we (somebody) will try to adapt or fulfill it with the code and send back to you or upload it so as you can get it, copy your original data, and make the workbook useful... and learn in the process.

If you agree, let's go on, and I'll help you.
