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Validation Rules in Access


Validation rules are not working in access form for first time user. but its working after key some thing in the field.

Can anybody help me on this.


On a form, field controls of several fields have the Validation Rule set to

"is Not Null" . The fields in the underlying table do allow null. The form

validation rules do not appear to be working as the form is allowing those

fields to be tabbed through without any error message popping up. The form

allows whole records to be added with those fields set to null without any

errors popping up.

Has anybody run across this before? Its there a global setting that is

being missed?

Good day Bob

Perhaps an Access forum would be better suited for the question.

Are the input fields bound, does any part of VBA have a focus code does your coding require user input. If it is just straight forward Validation then you need some thing to be entered for it to be validated.