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Using Vlookup to Text String


New Member

I have question about Vlookup() function. I want to show all data from my table using Vlookup, but the problem is the lookup value is text.

So I want to show data from my table using ex. 0061 as the lookup value, so I try to use =vlookup("*"&E12&"*";A2:C6;3;0) but the result is #N/A.

There is another solution to fix the problem?
Hi Angga,

your vlookup syntax is ok, if result is #N/A, then probably there is no string that fits your criteria in column A.
Hi, AnggaRifandi!

Would you please detail what values do you have in range A2:C6 and in E12, indicating type too? Thanks. Or consider uploading a sample file (refer to the second green sticky topic at this forums main page for guidelines).


Seem I have a wrong data, so the result is not appear.

I have two question related with Vlookup() and string text.

I posted the question here.

Hi AnggaRifandi,

Kindly check this file. Hope it works.


@Hi SirJb7


Just used Index(Match()) instead of vlookup, nothing else. :)


For your question, the keep it simple method would be to create a helper column =concatenate(day1&day2) and use that helper column as your lookup. There are other options:

Using vlookup in a dynamic range.


I forget who I did the above for, but you'll see my explanation in blue. More or less, as long as the first part is ordered, you can use a dynamic range either specified at the formula level or named. That dynamic range becomes the table you're looking at.

For your second question, you'll want to use index and match:

@ dan_l,


I also used that helper column technique its really easy. Can't we create something that does it automatically like Match(00123,(--(A1:A10))&(--(C1:C10)),0) I never tried that?

Emmmm: I've never tried to do it with match like that either. Assuming angga is cool with keeping the list ordered though:


Try that.

Aside, the whole dynamic range in your formula can be a bit of a beast to set up, but it's a cool trick to know.
Hi dan_l,

You formula gives #N/A Error whilst my formula in last post gives #Value Error..tried both of them..
Yeah. I fail:


Are you saying that the match formula wasn't working either?
Hi Faseeh ,

MATCH accepts a concatenated parameter ; thus if the value "002123" is to be used for matching :


entered as an array formula ( using CTRL SHIFT ENTER ) , will return 5 ; using this together with the INDEX function will return "MELON".

Even the first parameter "002123" can be a concatenated result ; thus if the text "002" is in cell F1 , and the text "123" is in G1 , you can use F1&G1 for the first parameter.

Hi Faseeh ,

Welcome. I am just passing on whatever I keep learning !

As a footnote , I came across the following good links :

1. http://www.get-digital-help.com/2009/10/25/how-to-return-multiple-values-using-vlookup-in-excel/comment-page-4/#comment-50401

2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa139976(v=office.10).aspx

Hi all,

Thanks a lots friends. Your answers really help me.

Now I'm become more excited to learn Excel here.


When we have to use array formula instead of regular formula?
Hi ,

If you are absolutely new to array formulas , start with any of the following :

1. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/introducing-array-formulas-in-excel-HA001087290.aspx

2. http://spreadsheets.about.com/od/excelfunctions/ss/2011-03-23-excel-2010-multi-cell-array-formula-sbs-tutorial.htm

3. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-build-an-array-formula-in-excel-2010.html

4. http://www.cpearson.com/excel/ArrayFormulas.aspx

Chandoo has several articles on more advanced usages of array formulas :


If you have any specific issue on which you want support , come back to this forum.
