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Using VBA to restrict pivot table changes - reordering all columns and rows


New Member

I've got a workbook with multiple pivot tables on each sheet that I would like users to have limited use to.

I found the following code online which is successful except that I want to limit the ability to reorder all columns (including values columns). Is there a way to limit that?

>>> use code - tags <<<
Sub RestrictPivotTable()
'pivot table tutorial by contextures.com
Dim pf As PivotField
On Error Resume Next

With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
  .EnableDrilldown = True
  .EnableFieldList = False  
  .EnableFieldDialog = False
  .PivotCache.EnableRefresh = True
  For Each pf In .PivotFields
    With pf
      .DragToPage = False
      .DragToRow = False
      .DragToColumn = False
      .DragToData = False
      .DragToHide = False
    End With
  Next pf
End With

End Sub
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Yes but I there are functions that I would still like to allow such as drilldown, sort and filter. I couldn't find a way to get drilldown to work on a protected sheet
So ... protection works 'too well' with Your case.
Could You create a sample Excel-file,
which shows
# what do You really would like to allow?
# what do You really would like to restrict?
Could You add eg to the 1st row of that sheet values from 1 to 9999 ( = number of columns )
... and take care that those values keep in same order?
... if someone makes 'mistake' and has changed order of those value ... then do Undo.
This should help

Sub RestrictPivotTable()
    Dim pf As PivotField
    On Error Resume Next
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        .EnableDrilldown = True
        .EnableFieldList = False
        .EnableFieldDialog = False
        .PivotCache.EnableRefresh = True
        For Each pf In .PivotFields
            With pf
                .DragToPage = False
                .DragToRow = False
                .DragToColumn = False
                .DragToData = False
                .DragToHide = False
                .Orientation = xlHidden ' Hide the field from the pivot table layout
            End With
        Next pf
    End With
End Sub
In the updated code, I added `.Orientation = xlHidden` inside the loop that iterates through each pivot field.

This line hides each pivot field from the pivot table layout, effectively preventing users from dragging and reordering them.