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Using formula in defining price


Hi All,
Good day.
I'm recently creating a simple report to show different price setup, in this case i use fruits as my subject. I have done several tests "If Formula" for the last 2 hours and still not find the right setting. Really appreciate if anyone can help me on this, also I would thank you if you can share a brief explanation of the formula, so that i can learn and understand.
Note: you will see daily inventory by dates
Thank you


  • Fruits Inventory.xlsx
    10.4 KB · Views: 6
i'm not sure htis is exactly what you are after - as its not exactly clear
=IF(C5<=2,"StopSell",IF(C5<=4,"Apple and Grape",IF(C5<=7,15,IF(C5<=11,"Closed",""))))

SO what happens if apples is over 11 ?

Also i have used the row 5 - will apples always be in row 5 - or do we need to lookup the item


  • Fruits Inventory_ETAF.xlsx
    11 KB · Views: 4
Another solution depending on your XL version (and drag right)


  • Fruits Inventory.xlsx
    10.9 KB · Views: 5
Last edited:
i'm not sure htis is exactly what you are after - as its not exactly clear
=IF(C5<=2,"StopSell",IF(C5<=4,"Apple and Grape",IF(C5<=7,15,IF(C5<=11,"Closed",""))))

SO what happens if apples is over 11 ?

Also i have used the row 5 - will apples always be in row 5 - or do we need to lookup the item
Hi Etaf,

Thanks for enlighten myself, i was doing the opposite so that's why the formula did not work well (my reference was from the highest to the small criteria).
To answer you: over then 11 means open to sell, and i have added this to my formula.
The row if fix.

you are welcome
can be difficult to see sometimes best way to go -
if it was > then it would be from the highest to lowest.