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Using Cube Function to reference data model in the excel workbook to eliminate lookups.


New Member
Please let me know if there is a simple solution to accomplish the ability to simply reference a cell and output something based on it, using cube functions. As stated above by others I must be able to do this in the worksheet or I am going to punt and use xlookup... FYI i dont mind writing a measure and using it to get it done!

Example: *In Columns

Desired Result: List of account numbers and just want to drag down the formula

Account Number Account Description
100-04000-000 Shop Expense
100-05000-000 Shup Supplies

Problem Example:

Account Number Account Description
100-04000-000 =cubevalue("Inthisworkbook","what ever i need to do to avoid going to xlookup or any change to the date model itself ect....")
100-05000-000 ""
Can't give you definitive answer without knowing your data model structure.
But you can just create OLAP based pivot table. Then go to PivotTable Analyze ribbon. Find OLAP Tools -> Convert to Formula.
That will give you the formula needed for the result.