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UserForm to find value in workbook


New Member
I use the below code in a user form, I have bold red font on the code to make the results font turn Red below, It selects the found address and highlights the font red, but I would like to also filter the results on whichever worksheet the results are found.

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Sub Copy_Paste_Result()

'Copy the results of the selection in the listbox and paste to a results sheet
'Created by Gary Carpenter

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

Dim strAddress As String
Dim strSheet As String
Dim strCell As String
Dim l As Long
Dim lLastRow As Long
Const sRESULTS As String = ("Orders") 'Can be changed to the name of your sheet

Worksheets("Orders").Visible = True

For l = 0 To ListBox_Results.ListCount

If ListBox_Results.Selected(l) = True Then
strAddress = ListBox_Results.List(l, 1)
strSheet = Replace(Mid(strAddress, 1, InStr(1, strAddress, "!") - 1), "'", "")

' below line is that red
Worksheets(strSheet).Range(strAddress).Font.color = vbRed
' above line is that red


' With ActiveSheet
' f_FindAll.TextBox_Results1.Value = .Cells(.Range(strAddress).Row, 3).Value
' f_FindAll.Textbox_Results2.Value = .Cells(.Range(strAddress).Row, 4).Value
' End With

'Copy/Paste results at end of results sheet

With Worksheets(sRESULTS)
'Find next blank cell in results sheet
'lLastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 2
'Paste results in the result sheet
'.Range("A" & lLastRow).Value = Worksheets(strSheet).Range(strAddress).Value
'Optional columns
'Cell address
' .Range("B" & lLastRow).Value = strAddress
'Time Stamp
'.Range("C" & lLastRow).Value = Now
End With

GoTo EndLoop

End If

Next l



Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
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