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User form list


Hi All,

I am looking a code for userform.

We have three different regions but they have same departments.

Each region has different sheet and data.

On Selection sheet can we create a list for all these departments for their respective region and when we click on particular department it will show data for that department only.

For example if I click on BGD dept under CGD, it will go to CGD sheet show only BGD data and hide all others.

I can do it by creating buttons but that will look little messy, so thinking about creating a list in user form.

Hope anyone can help.



  • List_new.xlsm
    35 KB · Views: 5
Try to do as You wrote ...
For example if I click on BGD dept under CGD, it will go to CGD sheet show only BGD data and hide all others.


  • List_new.xlsm
    48.1 KB · Views: 7
that's good vletm....but when you represnting it to someone...it doesnt look nice...i thought of creating same with adding module and creating a button and then you click on button like VFD in MNL it will go to that sheet and only show VFD and hide others...but agian that will look like messy with lot of buttons...what i am thinking is how to make less messy...one thing i can think of creating this list in userform ,,,where we just clik on say IND and then only we have list of all deptts in it... in this way on selection page we have only 3 buttons..Hope i am making sense
As You wrote:
We have three different regions but they have same departments.

No need buttons...
Try this...


  • List_new.xlsm
    49 KB · Views: 4
Ok this looks decent...let me try this on my sheet and see hoe it looks like....may be come back to you if need some modification....Thanks as always ...Appreciate this
... one 'minor thing'...
Why do You need so many sheets and every sheet has 11 same layout to show?
eg if You one day need to change text
'Effect of Exchange rates fluctuation' to
'Effect Of Exchange Rates Fluctuation'
then ... now You gotta do those changes ... 33 times - hmm?
You need one 'layout' for all those combinations!
>> and same time that another case would change too <<
hmmm good thought...i can do it by grouping these tabs and do it in one go...but nice thought anyways...may be i have one lay out and then link it to the main data base...then may be code which find out IND-POI from the data base...and so on ....right
This is a quick sample of 'one-form-layout'.
Of course, that 'lists' could be in form-sheet too.
This do not include 'Email-feature'.


  • List_new.xlsm
    34.2 KB · Views: 3
Hi Vletm again

I applied same on my sheet and it is working fine but thing is I have more than 30 deptts hence, we need to scroll up and down to find right dept.

Can we do something like I did in sample file. In this way I can show 15 in one col and other 15 in 2nd col.


  • list file -test.xlsm
    42.7 KB · Views: 2
Yes that is great thing to do.....i really like the idea of showing and colour combinations.
So do you suggest that i should paste all my deptts under one another in lists col.
Means first all deptt data in front of IND then below it for CGD and then MNL...
All depends eg:
What do You need to save from 'each' Your form?
Is there formulas in that 'form', as it would give image?
Do all 'update dates' gotta be filled before 'Email'?
and so on ...
please dont confuse it with my previous query on other issue...these 2 are totally diferent...we dont need any dates here...we just need to show particular region with thier deptt...no dates nothing....and yes all deptt data for each region is getting populated via formulas only..