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use for loop variable in other variables name


New Member
hello again.

i am trying to build a loop that uses the counting numer as part of a variable name within the loop. something like this:

for i = 1 to VariableA

dim VariableB"number stored in i" as double

VariableB"number stored in i" = applications.inputbox("insert thickness", "data input x + "number stored in i",,,,,,1)

i = i + 1

next i

so after the loop i want a set of variables called VariableB1, VariableB2, ...

is this possible?



it might be, but i'm trying to build the complete worksheet from scratch only from the input values entered in the inpuboxes...

Hi ,

Would the following be useful ?

Name several ranges VariableB1 , VariableB2 , ...

Use the following code to put values into those ranges :

Public Sub Populate_Vars()

For i = 1 To VariableA

varA = "variableB" & i

Range(varA).Value = Application.InputBox("insert thickness", "data input x + number stored in i", , , , , , 1)


End Sub
