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Update Table Record with Macro - Define Variables


New Member
Hi All,
I am looking for some sample VB Macro Code I could apply to an Update form I am trying to build. I apologize if I over extend my explanations.

A Basic example of what I have so far is enclosed.

The process considered is:

- A User enters data in the Data Entry Form (sheet=NewEntry) and updates an excel “Table” (Sheet “TableData” - Table1).

- Since some “Invoice Information” could be changed after record creation, I need a way to allow users to Update records.

In the example provided, I am setting up an “Update” form (see sheet=Update) that searches the Invoice Table (Table1) for the “Client” and all his/her “Invoices” (InvId), showing the User the required record´s current information.

Once the user has made the necessary changes to the ‘updatable’ fields of the Invoice, a full version of the “updated” fields of the Invoice record should be over-written on the respective Invoice’s row within the Invoice Table (Table1).

Not having much expertise in writing Macros, and not understanding how to “isolate” a specific row in the Table (other than using a “filter”) the logic for the macro I understand could be used is to:

1. Filter the table based on the unique keys I have (in the example, two fields of the table: “Client and InvId”, which make up the “Client-InvId” key pair). Doing so, the Filter will return one record of the Table.

2. Copy the “load_UpdatedInvoice” range (shown in sheet=Update!$C$20:$K$20) and over-write the Table´s filtered row. (By construct, Table1 has only one row for any “Client-InvId” key pair).

3. Once copied, reset Table1 (Filter off and sort by “Client” and “InvId” fields.)

4. Clear the “Update” form's fields and reset it for a new update process.

The confusion I have is how to specify in the Macro the ‘variable’ I need (the “Client-InvId” key) that is used to filter the Table.

From recording the key-strokes of the “filter”, I have the following code snip-it for the Filter I need:

Sub Macro1()
' Macro to filter Table1 based on “Client-InvId”
  ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
  "ACME" ‘ this corresponds to the “Client”  of the “Client-InvId” key
  ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Range.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:= _
  "2035" ‘ this corresponds to the “InvId”  of the “Client-InvId” key
End Sub

How should I "define/declare" and “set” these Filter Criteria to the values in cells Update!$C$4 (“Client” ie. "ACME") and Update!$C$5 (“InvId” ie. "2035") respectively?

Is there another more expedient and secure way to achieve my purpose?

Many thanks for your interest and support.

Kind regards.

Daniel Murray


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Can anyone provide guidance and/or suggestions? Is what I am attempting to correct? Is there an easier way to accomplish my objective?

Many thanks for any help you anyone can provide.

In appreciation,

Daniel Murray