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Unique, stacked list from range, according to tier/category


New Member
Hello everybody,

I'll kick off with an introduction first; after having left my 'go-to' Excel forum - which shall remain unnamed - a couple of years ago, due to an increasingly dictatorial rhetoric by a select few administrators, I spent the last year or two in the Excel wilderness, feeding on the scraps of Google search engine results, for solutions to my Excel problems. But as of today, I am happy to say I am a new Chandoo member!

I exaggerate of course, I found a lot of resources over the last couple of years that proved helpful to me, but the source that proved to be more helpful than any other was Chandoo, so here I am.

Anyway, apologies in advance for doing my intro here, but I don't currently have the 'New Thread' option in the forum for New Users. So, on to my Excel query....

Attached is a sample spreadsheet containing captions found on the Statement of Financial Position / Balance Sheet. The logic of the layout is simple:
- GL Class 1 are the overarching captions
- GL Class 2 are sub-categories of GL Class 1
- GL Class 3 are sub-categories of GL Class 2
- GL Class 4 are sub-categories of GL Class 3
- GL Class 5 are sub-categories of GL Class 4

I would like to know if there is any (quick) way of vertically stacking unique caption descriptions into a single column, in such a way that results are produced according to the below logic. I've made a number of attempts with UNIQUE, SORT, VSTACK, HSTACK functions, but none of them giving me exactly what I need. I say 'quick' because I can achieve the desired result with helper columns etc. but this drags on my spreadsheet so ideally I'm looking to use the minimum number of functions in a singular column, to get this done.
- Formula operates from left to right, detecting if there is a unique value in that row that hasn't already appeared in the rows above
- It picks up any unique values and stacks them into the single column
- It then moves on to the next row and repeats the task i.e. scanning from left (GL Class 1) to right (GL Class 5) and stacking any new, unique values

I have included a [partial] example of what the result should look like in column I, with explanations of the logic in column J.


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Hi @Anon9149!
I think you simply use:

Thank you very much John! This works perfectly.

Has TOCOL recently come out of beta? I've attempted to use TOCOL before for other work tasks, but my company doesn't allow beta version to be used (if you can believe it, I raised an IT ticket a mere matter of weeks ago for access to this very function), so I've struggled with workarounds so far, but it now seems to be available!
If you have TOCOL that is fine, otherwise you may have to 'roll your own'.
= UNIQUE(TOCOLλ(data))

    m, ROWS(d),
    n, COLUMNS(d),
    k, SEQUENCE(m*n,1,0),
    r, 1+QUOTIENT(k,n),
    c, 1+MOD(k,n),