I have the details of unique number but different letter like OA,OC...
How i find out the unique number but Pure OA
the unique number but pure OC
The unique number combination of OA&OC using Excel formulae
200057706 OA
200057706 OC
200057706 OA
200057706 OB
800001312 OA
800001312 OC
800001312 OD
I have the details of unique number but different letter like OA,OC...
How i find out the unique number but Pure OA
the unique number but pure OC
The unique number combination of OA&OC using Excel formulae
200057706 OA
200057706 OC
200057706 OA
200057706 OB
800001312 OA
800001312 OC
800001312 OD