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Unique Identifier based on values in sheet


New Member
Hi there everyone.

I import data on a weekly basis, and create reports on the data every week. But I would like to collate all of my weekly data into a bigger pool of data so that I can pull them into reports later down the line.

My first step would be to create a unique identifier for each row of data in a uniform fashion.

We work on a weekly system starting with Monday. So the week we are currently in at the time of writing is week 37. A nice way to pool the data I think would be convert the date of each row entry into the week number and add a few other identifiers on it.

Am I making sense or am I making this extremely complicated for myself?

Thanks in advance!
Sounds like a good idea. You could use the WEEKNUM function, and have the 2nd argument be 2 (indicating week starts on a Monday). So, if date is in A2, Name is in B2, and Company is in C2, you could do:


or something like that.
Worked perfectly, thanks.

This is the first step in me pooling all the data so that my weekly data can be combined to create a working, dynamic dashboard that can call custom date ranges and compare a variety of metrics.
Sounds like a fun project. Let us know if there's anything else we can help out on. =)