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understand a lookup charaters

Hello everyone, could anybody explain to me what the following characters detailed in red mean in a lookup formula please.....


Here is the complete line which is working fine. IF(N9="","",SUMIFS($K:$K,$K:$K,IF(LEFT($P$1)="P",">0",IF(LEFT($Q$1)="L","<0","<>")),$E:$E,">="&LOOKUP(9^9,0+(N$3:N9&N$2)),$E:$E,"<="&EOMONTH(LOOKUP(9^9,0+(N9:N9&N$2)),0)))

Thank you.
It's a very, very high number - higher than any other number in that column - nine to the power of nine, which means 9x9x9x9x9x9x9x9x9.

It allows you to find the last number in a range.