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Unable to make use of GetOpenFilename() method


Active Member
I've created a script in vba to open an excel file using Application.GetOpenFilename(). When I execute the script, it does lead me to that exact location but can't open that file. I'm only after the method I'm on to. How can I make it successful?

Address to the .xlsx file "C:\Users\WCS\Desktop\files\coworking\demo.xlsx"

This is I've written so far:
Sub OpenFile()
    Dim fileName$
    ChDir "C:\Users\WCS\Desktop\files\coworking"

    fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("demo(*.xlsx),*.xlsx")
    If fileName <> "False" Then
        Workbooks.Open fileName
    End If
End Sub
1) Have You checked what is fileName's value?
2) Have You tested to write 'only' demo.xlsx after Workbooks.Open?
3) if 2nd step won't work then You should add path in front of fileName