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Uber-dynamic data validation menu - possible?


New Member
Is it possible to create dynamic data validation menus without named ranges? Here's my situation:
I have a data-connection from SharePoint that provides me with certain data on one worksheet. ProgramID, Program Name, Program Description, etc.

On another worksheet, I have a second set of related records, again a data-connection from SharePoint (ProgramID being the relationship), and would like a column that has validation menus based on the ProgramID from the first worksheet.

I have uploaded a sample file. This is quite straightforward with named ranges but when the data is dynamic and constantly being updated and without the option to always go back and add/modify named ranges - is this possible?


  • Example File.xlsx
    14.3 KB · Views: 2
Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood your problem ; I do not know why you need to modify named ranges when you can make them dynamic.

I think a DV list which is based on a dynamic named range should work ; in case the named range cannot be made dynamic through its formula , you can always use VBA to re-define its extent each time fresh data is brought in.
