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Type Mismatch Error: SELECT and additem data into ComboBox [SOLVED]


Hello There,

I have the below sql query which retrieves data from another excel file. It gives error messages as
Run-time error '-2147352571 (80020005): could not set the list property type mismatch

for the below query. This happens only for certain records, it seems some of the columns are empty in the source excel file from where it picks up the data from.

Could you please advise on:

1. How to overcome this or any other problems relating to selection and populating the data in the combobox?
2. I am not able to add another extra columns using the command
.List(i, 8) = rst![Extra].... Is there any restriction and naming of the column headers?

Looking forward to hearing from you

Thanks & regards

  strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A:R] WHERE [Party Name]='" & CBuyerName & _
  "' AND  [VAT Number]='" & CBuyerVATNumber & "';"
  MsgBox strQuery
  Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
  rst.Open strQuery, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
MsgBox ("count is: " & rst.RecordCount)

  Dim i As Integer
  i = 0

  With ActiveSheet.ComboBoxDisplayBurger
  'MsgBox (Len(rst![Party Name]))
  .List(i, 0) = rst![Party Name] '& " - " & rst![Country] & " - " & rst![City]
  '.List(i, 1) = rst![VAT number]
  '.List(i, 1) = rst![Country] & rst![City]
  '.List(i, 2) = rst![City]
  .List(i, 1) = rst![Pick-up]
  .List(i, 2) = rst![Mode]
  .List(i, 3) = rst![Empty Depot]
  .List(i, 4) = rst![Local THC Rotterdam]
  .List(i, 5) = rst![Gross Tonnage]
  .List(i, 6) = rst![Terminal]
  .List(i, 7) = rst![Transport]

  i = i + 1
  Loop Until .EOF
  End With

  Set rst = Nothing
  Set cn = Nothing
Hello There,

I have the below sql query which retrieves data from another excel file. It gives error messages as
Run-time error '-2147352571 (80020005): could not set the list property type mismatch

for the below query. This happens only for certain records, it seems some of the columns are empty in the source excel file from where it picks up the data from.

Could you please advise on:

1. How to overcome this or any other problems relating to selection and populating the data in the combobox?
2. I am not able to add another extra columns using the command
.List(i, 8) = rst![Extra].... Is there any restriction and naming of the column headers?

Looking forward to hearing from you

Thanks & regards

  strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A:R] WHERE [Party Name]='" & CBuyerName & _
  "' AND  [VAT Number]='" & CBuyerVATNumber & "';"
  MsgBox strQuery
  Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
  rst.Open strQuery, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
MsgBox ("count is: " & rst.RecordCount)

  Dim i As Integer
  i = 0

  With ActiveSheet.ComboBoxDisplayBurger
  'MsgBox (Len(rst![Party Name]))
  .List(i, 0) = rst![Party Name] '& " - " & rst![Country] & " - " & rst![City]
  '.List(i, 1) = rst![VAT number]
  '.List(i, 1) = rst![Country] & rst![City]
  '.List(i, 2) = rst![City]
  .List(i, 1) = rst![Pick-up]
  .List(i, 2) = rst![Mode]
  .List(i, 3) = rst![Empty Depot]
  .List(i, 4) = rst![Local THC Rotterdam]
  .List(i, 5) = rst![Gross Tonnage]
  .List(i, 6) = rst![Terminal]
  .List(i, 7) = rst![Transport]

  i = i + 1
  Loop Until .EOF
  End With

  Set rst = Nothing
  Set cn = Nothing

Problem solved:

Instead of this entire code I used the following statement:

ActiveSheet.ComboBoxDisplayBurger.Column = rst.GetRows
