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Two for-each loops using string arrays


New Member
Hi there

The attached workbook is based on Jon Peltier's blog post 'Create and Update a Chart Using Only Part of a Pivot Table's Data.' I added loops that cycle through four charts, updating them with their corresponding field(s).

My problem is that these are not nested loops in the sense that they run one inside the other: these loops run side-by-side. How do I step outside the one loop long enough to load a new string from the other loop?

Here is the code as it stands :)

Sub UpdateSalesRepCharts()

Dim cht As Chart
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim sSrsFmla As String
Dim SalesDataFlds As Variant, SalesDataChts As Variant
Dim sdc As Variant, sdf As Variant
Dim rXVals As Range, rYVals As Range, rName As Range

SalesDataChts = Array("chtSalesRep01", "chtSalesRep02", "chtSalesRep03", "chtSalesRep04")
SalesDataFlds = Array("SalesRep01", "SalesRep02", "SalesRep03", "SalesRep04")

Set pt = Sheets("Calc").PivotTables("ptSalesData")

    With cht
        For Each sdf In SalesDataFlds
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each sdc In SalesDataChts
        On Error Resume Next

        Set cht = ActiveChart

        Set rName = pt.PivotFields("SalesRep").PivotItems(sdf).LabelRange
        Set rXVals = Union(pt.PivotFields("MonthNames").DataRange, _
        Set rYVals = Intersect(pt.PivotFields("SalesRep").PivotItems(sdf).DataRange, _

        sSrsFmla = "=series(" & rName.Address(, , , True) & "," & _
            rXVals.Address(, , , True) & "," & rYVals.Address(, , , True) & ",1)"

With cht
' clear out chart data
    If .SeriesCollection.Count = 0 Then Exit Do
' add new series with defined data
    With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        .Formula = sSrsFmla
    End With
End With

Next sdc
Next sdf

End With

End Sub

Are for-each loops the best choice for this situation? Is this even the best approach to updating charts? I like it but would range names be better (faster)? What if you have a much larger dataset and a couple of dozen charts?

I'm way out of my depth here so any help/suggestions/advice/remarks would be more than welcome

Rgds+bestwishes, Orfil


  • PT Chart.xlsm
    55.9 KB · Views: 4
Fantastic. Thank you, Narayan. It not only works perfectly, it's also very instructive. Picking it apart and applying it to different circumstances is going to keep me muy busy.