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Trying to use 1 axtive x button to select 1 of 2 charts.


I am using MS excel 365. I am trying to develop code to call a particular clustered column chart. Both the raw data & the chart are on the same worksheet "Unique_Vets". A friend tried to help me find code to select & call a chart from one button. I have googeled & have found code to create, copy, print charts, but none to accomplish my goal. A friend tried to help me find code to select & call a chart from one button. However when we ran the code stated below:
Dim MyValue
Dim i As String
'MsgBox prompt:="Do you want Veterans Seen Monthly or Quarterly?",Title:="Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
i = MsgBox("Do you want Veterans Seen Monthly or Quarterly?",vbYesNo, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link")

If Not i = vbYes Then Exit Sub

'First message shows in the body of the box, message 2 shows at the top of thebox.
MyValue = Application.InputBox("Click Ok or Cancel after yourSelection!" & vbCrLf & _
"1 = Monthly Chart" & vbCrLf & _
"2 = Quarterly Chart", "Voc. Rehab - Career Link DataEntry")
' Sub messaage box exit.
If MyValue = False Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf (MyValue = 1) Or (MyValue = 2) Then
Exit Do
MsgBox "You have not made a valid entry. Please try again.",vbInformation, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
End If
'Code to Execute When Condition = value_1
Select Case MyValue
Case 1

ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Quarterly").Visible = False
ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Monthly").Visible = True

'Code to Execute When Condition = value_2
Case 2

ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Monthly").Visible = False
ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Quarterly").Visible = True
End sub
IF you selected 1. Nothing happened (literally nothing). I you selected 2 The charts disappeared (as in gone). the 1st chart is located @ K28, width is K28: P28, height is K28:K45. The second chart is located @ K79, width is K79: P79, height is K79:K 95.
I found a work around but it is messy :

Sub Vets_Seen_Charts()
   Dim MyValue
    Dim i As String
   'MsgBox prompt:="Continue to October Career Link Meeting List?", Title:="Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
   i = MsgBox("Do you want the Vets seen Monthly or Quartrly Chart?", vbYesNo, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link")
   If Not i = vbYes Then Exit Sub
   'First message shows in the body of the box, message 2 shows at the top of the box.
       MyValue = Application.InputBox("Which chart doyou want?" & vbCrLf & _
                              "1 = Vets seen Mounthly" & vbCrLf & _
                              "2 = Vets seen Quarterly" & vbCrLf, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link")
       ' Sub messaage box exit.
       If MyValue = False Then
           Exit Sub
       ElseIf (MyValue = 1) Or (MyValue = 2) Then
           Exit Do
           MsgBox "You have not made a valid entry.  Please try again.", vbInformation, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
       End If
   Loop    'Code to Execute When Condition = value_1
   Select Case MyValue
       Case 1
                    If ActiveSheet.Range("A28").Select Then
                       End If
       'Code to Execute When Condition = value_2
       Case 2
                    If ActiveSheet.Range("A79").Select Then

                   End If
           End Select
End Sub
Any help is appreciated.
Welcome to the forum.

It would help, if you upload desensitized sample workbook, containing enough data to demonstrate your issue.
Hopefully that works. I tried originally to upload & I was told the file was too large. The button titled Vets seen is the first chart. Once we get the proper code, I can use for the other charts. Again Thank you!


  • test file.xlsx
    263.6 KB · Views: 6
Something like below?
Sub vetseen()
Dim MyValue
Dim i As String
'MsgBox prompt:="Do you want Veterans Seen Monthly or Quarterly?",Title:="Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
i = MsgBox("Do you want Veterans Seen Monthly or Quarterly?", vbYesNo, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link")

If Not i = vbYes Then Exit Sub

'First message shows in the body of the box, message 2 shows at the top of thebox.
    MyValue = Application.InputBox("Click Ok or Cancel after yourSelection!" & vbCrLf & _
            "1 = Monthly Chart" & vbCrLf & _
            "2 = Quarterly Chart", "Voc. Rehab - Career Link DataEntry")
    ' Sub messaage box exit.
    If MyValue = False Then
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf (MyValue = 1) Or (MyValue = 2) Then
        Exit Do
        MsgBox "You have not made a valid entry. Please try again.", vbInformation, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
    End If
'Code to Execute When Condition = value_1
Select Case MyValue
    Case 1
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Quarterly").Visible = False
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Monthly").Visible = True
'Code to Execute When Condition = value_2
    Case 2
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Monthly").Visible = False
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Quarterly").Visible = True
End Select
End Sub
Chihiro I just noticed that when I call 1 of the charts, the other one is there, but not visible. Is it possible to call a chart & still have the other chart remain visible?
Then try something like below.
Sub vetseen()
Dim MyValue
Dim i As String
'MsgBox prompt:="Do you want Veterans Seen Monthly or Quarterly?",Title:="Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
i = MsgBox("Do you want Veterans Seen Monthly or Quarterly?", vbYesNo, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link")

If Not i = vbYes Then Exit Sub

'First message shows in the body of the box, message 2 shows at the top of thebox.
    MyValue = Application.InputBox("Click Ok or Cancel after yourSelection!" & vbCrLf & _
            "1 = Monthly Chart" & vbCrLf & _
            "2 = Quarterly Chart", "Voc. Rehab - Career Link DataEntry")
    ' Sub messaage box exit.
  If MyValue = False Then
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf (MyValue = 1) Or (MyValue = 2) Then
        Exit Do
        MsgBox "You have not made a valid entry. Please try again.", vbInformation, "Voc. Rehab. - Career Link"
    End If
'Code to Execute When Condition = value_1
Select Case MyValue
    Case 1
        Application.Goto ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Monthly").TopLeftCell, True
'Code to Execute When Condition = value_2
  Case 2
        Application.Goto ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Veterans Seen Quarterly").TopLeftCell, True
End Select
End Sub