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Trying to link to hidden sheets


New Member
Hi everyone.

I am very new to doing anything that is remotely complex in Excel so please be gentle :)
I'm trying to create a master sheet that will link out to several hidden sheets. The master sheet will have a link to each of the hidden spreadsheets with my goal as follows: to see only the master spreadsheet and to go to the other spreadsheets when required. I will then have a back button to close the sheet when finished with it and return to the master sheet. I've gone through several threads and cannot make it work. I am beyond frustrated as I'm more of an artsy than a programmery type. Please can someone help


  • Project_List_Actions.xlsm
    23.9 KB · Views: 5
Happy NewYear.
Something like this?
See attached.
Hi...thank you so much for your reply. I really like the first option you provided however I don't see how to get the code from your file to mine. I need to understand how to code to my actual sheets as this was just a test file. I cannot provide the actual file as it contains client confidential data.
With my version:
Open Your real workbook and my example.
Go to the VBA Editor (Alt + F11) and drag the userform from my example to your workboek.That is all.