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Trying to get the first time from a xls report


New Member
Hi all, loving this site and already picked up some tips and tricks, so thank you.

I have been given a report from our security system and within the file I have three columns, Date, Time and User, every time a user swipes their pass on the system (could be multiple times in one day) the system records the time the pass was swiped.

What I am trying to do and not sure if this is possible in Excel, is report by Date and User, but only show the first time on that date that the user swiped their pass, effectively the first time they came on site...

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this?

Thanks in advance.
hhmmm.... uploading a sample would be helpful as the layout will play a role in the solution

from what i see, we could use the MIN function to find a persons first/earliest swipe time... but you'll need to be able to automatically establish the MIN for each person separately... not as a whole.... which brings us back to the layout.