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Trying to apply fill color between two line charts and plot a third line between


New Member
I have two competitors with competitor A usually higher than my company's prices and competitor B unusually has lower prices than Trying to apply a fill color between two line charts and plot a third line in the middle of them (my company prices). This will allow me to ascertain if my compnay prices are more closer to comp A. or comp B? A great example of what I am trying to accomplish is

http://www.hotelnewsnow.com//media/image/Charts/20100223_research_Hartmann2.gif. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Sounds like a combination XY chart and Fill chart. I'd recommend starting here:


To create your example image, I see this as a stacked chart with 2 series where bottom series is clear. This create the "fill" area. You can then plot the an XY series on top of this to represent your companies prices.

The only real trick is setting up calculations correctly. Since it's a fill chart, to get the correct stacking effect, Series 1 will be Company B's prices and series 2 will be Company A - Company B (the difference) so that things stack correctly. Hope this makes sense...