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Trouble from Individual Worksheet to a Master


New Member

I work as a call center manager and I am attempting to create all of my spreadsheets for the 2012. One thing I want to do this year is to have all of the spreadsheets feed into masters depending on the topic. I have a team of four managers who will be updating the spreadsheet regularly. I am having a problem getting started.

The first spreadsheet I am working on is an individual attendance spreadsheet for each employee, that would then read to a master spreadsheet which includes all the employees. I have set the master of with the dates (1/1/12-12/31/12) posted as columns and the employees (1-35) as rows. The individual worksheet utilizes a drop down menu for the dates that the employee have have missed work or was late. I need the data derived from the drop down menu to autopopulate in the correct date field on the master, while staying in the same row that corresponds with the person who is being referenced.
using name you can use vlookup

for instance

vlookup(employee name,database,selected date from your pulldown menu minus 40907, false)

i'm assuming all the individual worksheets will have the first column as name and data starting on the 2nd column.