Dear Excel Gurus,
One of my main task in my job is to follow sales reps visit plan and visit ratio. For a while I have done this through numbers and even had a related post “how to move horizontal date vertically” on this issue (if interested please see the blow link)
Soon I have realized that just looking at the numbers may sometimes mislead to wrong judgments especially while doing performance management of sales reps distributed among a large scale.
Plain number unfortunately neglects distances which actually lead me to take wrong actions.
Summary: A group of cities may be too far apart in the country and could only be visited certain number of times in a month where another group of cities could all be nearby and can be visited more often. In this incident a sales rep responsible of apart cities will have less number of visits compared to a sales rep with close by cities as he/she has to spent more time on the road. Judging the performance of two by visit ratio only is not fair, distance and region affect needs to be considered.
My goal is to move the visit figures on to a map and observe visit ratio. The more a city is visited, darker its shade should be.
Some of you may seen Google Trend web page: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=excel&geo=TR&cmpt=q
I have done a simple example for google trends for word “excel” and copied the link above. What you will see is; the amount of search for word “excel” among cities of Turkey since 2004. This is the same thing I want to do based on visit rate. The look will be same only the data will differ.
I have quite some search on this topic both on chandoo and web but most of the links and solutions I have found seemed either too complicated or mostly VBA involved. That is another problem I have, my managers do not approve VBA usage due to company security regulations. Therefore if possible my solution should be plain excel.
I have copied my study to the following link:
I would very appreciate if you could kindly share your comments and thoughts with me.
Kind regards
Ahmet Kerestecioglu
One of my main task in my job is to follow sales reps visit plan and visit ratio. For a while I have done this through numbers and even had a related post “how to move horizontal date vertically” on this issue (if interested please see the blow link)
Soon I have realized that just looking at the numbers may sometimes mislead to wrong judgments especially while doing performance management of sales reps distributed among a large scale.
Plain number unfortunately neglects distances which actually lead me to take wrong actions.
Summary: A group of cities may be too far apart in the country and could only be visited certain number of times in a month where another group of cities could all be nearby and can be visited more often. In this incident a sales rep responsible of apart cities will have less number of visits compared to a sales rep with close by cities as he/she has to spent more time on the road. Judging the performance of two by visit ratio only is not fair, distance and region affect needs to be considered.
My goal is to move the visit figures on to a map and observe visit ratio. The more a city is visited, darker its shade should be.
Some of you may seen Google Trend web page: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=excel&geo=TR&cmpt=q
I have done a simple example for google trends for word “excel” and copied the link above. What you will see is; the amount of search for word “excel” among cities of Turkey since 2004. This is the same thing I want to do based on visit rate. The look will be same only the data will differ.
I have quite some search on this topic both on chandoo and web but most of the links and solutions I have found seemed either too complicated or mostly VBA involved. That is another problem I have, my managers do not approve VBA usage due to company security regulations. Therefore if possible my solution should be plain excel.
I have copied my study to the following link:
I would very appreciate if you could kindly share your comments and thoughts with me.
Kind regards
Ahmet Kerestecioglu