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Transposing a table


Hi. I am quite new to power bi and not sure how to go about it. I have account mgrs in the first row and then their corresponding targets from Oct to Mar. How could I transpose it so that there is one column for each account mgr? I tried transposing it. It does the job but no column for the corresponding month names, just the values for each mgr. Since there are only 6 months (7 rows with the heading), if the only way is to create another column with each month it's ok but not sure how to create another column with specific values for each row. Thank you in advanced


  • sample.xlsx
    17.1 KB · Views: 2
Select column account manager, then from the context menu choose "unpivot other columns" (right mouse click).
Like so?:

It does the job but no column for the corresponding month names
Demote the headers first, then transpose, then promote 1st row to headers.


  • Chandoo48749sample.xlsx
    24.7 KB · Views: 5
Perfect. I was doing that but should have chosen "Use headers as first row", then "Use first row as headers". Many thanks