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Transpose a set of values can I using excel commands?

Dear Chandoo

I have a excel database as shown below

Bill_no. Material

O12345. Brush

O12345. paste

O77896. Pencil

O77896. Slate

O77896 Rubber

(Bill_no is column A, Material in column of sheet1)

In sheet2 when user inputs bill_no the out of Material should come in transpose.

eg. If user inputs O77896 then output should show

Pencil. Slate. Rubber

How can I do it in excel?
Good day samson.godwin@gmail.com.

Welcome to Chandoo, please take the time to introduce yourself let the users know a bit about you. you can do this via the first stick on the home page.

Secondly I think you should choose a smaller length name, some thing other than your email address. you name spreads across the question and in time would wear thin on those viewing the posts

As for your question if you look at the uploaded file you will see two examples of what you are looking for, the first is a simple lookup which when the name is chosen the details are returned, the second example returns more data files, in this case all data associated with one name.The names are derived from a drop down list, these are at the far right end of the spread sheet. If you use the spread sheet you will soon see how you can adapt the code for your worksheets
