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Transfer files to the folder


Active Member

I have different extension files in folder i have move all files as per extension in that extension name folder. For example File name is 01Payroll .xls , 02 Payment.doc , 03 recept.pdf , 04 List of Debtor.jpg

these types of files i want to move in same folder sub folder are these Excel,Word,Pdf,Jpg
please tell me how to do this with help of macro
Hi deepak
file extension types 1).xls 2).doc 3).pdf 4).jpg 5).gif

In same folder sub folder i want create for these if folder not created then create folder 1st then move the files( i want cut paste the files)
.xls files move in to Excel folder
.doc files move in to Word folder
.pdf file move in to PDF folder
.jpg & .gif files move in to Image folder
Check this..

Sub test()
Dim myfolder As String, obj As Object, m As Variant, strfol As String
Dim ex As Variant, fol As Variant

myfolder = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path

ex = Array("xls", "doc", "Pdf", "jpg", "gif")
fol = Array("Excel", "Word", "Pdf", "Image", "image")

With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    For Each obj In .GetFolder(myfolder).Files
        m = Application.Match(Right(obj, 3), ex, 0)
        If IsNumeric(m) Then
            strfol = myfolder & "\" & fol(m - 1)
            If Len(Dir(strfol)) = 0 Then MkDir strfol
            Name obj As strfol & "\" & obj.Name
        End If
End With

End Sub