Hi ,
I think this is a common mistake in dashboard development , that we first talk of how things are going to look viz. scrolling lists , camera tool ,... , instead of focusing on the data that is available or that can be made available.
Can you first list down all the possible data that can be gathered about training ?
1. Does each department have a training budget ?
If yes , then we can gather data for every department ; this will have data such as :
Department Name , Year ( or Period , if the budget is allocated in smaller chunks ) , Budget Amount
2. Is the training split up into categories ?
If yes , then we can gather data on how the training will be organized across categories :
For example , Personality Development may be allocated amount X , Technical Upskilling may be allocated Amount Y ...
3. Is the training planned / scheduled in advance , or is data available after the event ?
4. Regarding every training programme , what kind of data would be available ?
Name of the programme :
Conducted By :
Conducted where ? In-house or Away :
Period :
Type : Full-time / Part-time
Funding : Paid for by the organization / financed by the participant
Category : if applicable
Name of participant :
Participant's Department :
Measure of Success :
The last 3 fields can be a separate set of data.
I am sure that there will be much more data that is either already available or that can be gathered , depending on the kind of professionalism that is present in the organization.
First collect all of this data , and see how it can be segregated into various slots such as department-wise data , programme-wise data , participant-related data ,...
Once all of this has been done and agreed upon between you and your manager , get the actual working data together in one workbook , segregating it into different worksheets.
See if the segregation makes it easy to enter and validate data , especially if the data entry will be done by more than one person.
When everything is done , we can start discussing the dashboard !