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tooling log speadsheet


New Member
hello all

i have a challenge on a sheet that I need to adapt. I have attached it for reference, however it may need rebuilding from scratch.

I need the 2 main following requirements for the sheet

1. Dashboard

The dashboard needs to be spit into 2 main sections. Tooling entry & searchable criteria/deactivating data.

On the Tooling entry area the sheet needs to have the following searchable data fields
1. "BHS" - this refers to the job reference number
2. "Length" - Length of box
3. "Width" - Width of box
4. "Depth" - Depth of box
5. "Flute" - Grade of material (general a letter)
6. "Style" - style of box (these are saved under tabs in the sheet)
7. "Forme Ref" - this refers to the cutting tool reference number (generally starts with a letter then a string of numbers)

I would like to search for a combination of the measurements of the box (points 2,3,4), the "BHS" (point 1) or the "Forme Ref" (point 7) data. point 5 and 6 are not required as a searchable fields. As you can see from the current sheet you can search for "Length", "Width" and "Depth" with a tolerance level to find all possible matches. I would like this to remain.

The main function of the Tooling entry section on the dashboard is to automate the data into the relevant "Style" tabs (currently all the tabs on the existing sheet), and also share the "Forme Ref" across multiple "BHS" reference numbers.

When a tool is required to be destroyed, can a dashboard have an area to remove the tool and all data with it to become marked out (maybe changed to red), so it is never removed from the database. Can this removal function also screen the "Forme ref" against multiple entries against the "BHS" job reference and flash up a warning to say that this is a shared tool and then populate all the other "BHS" job references against it on the dashboard?

2. Style tabs

Can the data for all the "Style" tabs be complied through fields on the dashboard. for instance, when a new "BHS" job reference is created, the sizes ("length", "Width", "Depth"), "Flute", "Style", "Forme ref" be collected from data entry fields from the dashboard and allocated the relevant "Style" tab.

Can these same fields be used as searchable criteria populate results as the current sheet does. I imagine data fields set in place to search or add data, and maybe an ADD TO DATABASE button, SEARCH DATABASE button, and REMOVE FROM DATABASE button on the dashboard? Can the SEARCH DATABASE button populate results from the data fields and once populated each entry (line of data = BHS, LENGTH, WIDTH, DEPTH, FLUTE, FORME REF) have tick boxes on a column against the results to deactivate entry and make it red or something similar. These results can either be filtered out of the search results or not.

I hope that covers all the points!!

Any questions, please don't hesitate to reply to this post.

Many thanks



  • tooling list.xlsm
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