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To retrieve and post data


hi experts,

I would like to input data on the sheet 1, say, it saves in sheet 2 in the same order i enter.

i would like recall or retrieve data from sheet after entering 10 records or so and like to overwrite, if necessary.

For transferring data to sheet 2 - i used the following formula. It saves one after another in sheet 2.

LastRow = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D12").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(LastRow + 1, "1").

I would like you to guide me, on how to retrieve and make changes.


Hi, ganeshm!

As far as I could see you should be doing something like this:

a) Entering data in 1st worksheet

b) Running manually a macro that in some part of its code has the instructions (not formulas) that you posted to copy data to 2nd worksheet

c) Optionally editing the data copied

d) Back to a)

Now you say you want to "recall or retrieve data from sheet after entering 10 records or so and like to overwrite, if necessary", I don't understand this, isn't the same thing you're doing as described before or do you want to automatically perform the copy of the data each 10 or N rows entered?

If it's the last case, please define:

a) How many columns do you have to fill to consider a row as fully entered and countable for copying?

b) Are you going to manually entered (on a cell by cell basis) or you may copy cell ranges (more than 1 cell) too?

c) Rows in 1st worksheet would be deleted while or after copying or no?

Upon those answers the method will vary or there wouldn't be a method at all (at least a simple one).
