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To Link an excel sheet with Formatting



I have a student data i one sheet. I want to have the data in another sheet with formatting.

Eg: The fields are: StudNo, DOB, Fees, DeptNo, etc.

My linked sheet should have the following formatting:-

Condition for StudNo: It should begins with "0".(In raw data it will not begins with "0")

DOB field: The date format should be MM/DD/YY.

Fess field: The amount format should round up with 2 decimals.

Dept field: The dept number sholud begins with "0". (In raw data it'll not contain the "0")
Hi vargeesh,

I think the best possible solution is to make a copy of the first sheet and use it as a second sheet. :)


Hi Faseeh,

There is a solution for certain things.

To insert "0" in dept field (="0"&Sheet1!T2) so we can get prefix with "0".

But i want to insert some formula in the linked worksheet.

Can you help me how to write a formula in a linked sheet.



I just tried. it works.

This is the formula to get the student number in 5 digits.



Hi vargeesh,

In order to insert a preset zero to each entry in dept field, select the column, right click and select custom number format and enter
and press Ok, You will get Zero before every number you enter, but i think i am still unable to understand what you really want?

Am I correct?


Assuming that your original data is in Sheet1 in columns A:D and so on, that you want the formatted data in Sheet2 in same columns, go to Sheet2 and:

a) in A1 type:


b) copy down and across as neeeded

c) select columns A and D, Ctrl-1, Number, Custom and enter "0"# as Faseeh stated

d) select column B, Ctrl-1, Number, Date and choose proper format

e) same procedure... can you finish it by yourself?

Oh I see whats going on here. Hope this helps.

Condition for StudNo: ="0"&linkedcell

DOB field: Press Ctrl+1, go to custom format and enter: mm/dd/yy

Fess field: =roundup(linkedcell,2)

Dept field: ="0"&linkedcell