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to find and replace in a formula


I have a spreadsheet and each cell has a formula that has cell G5 and H5, I want to replace G5 and H5 with G8 and H8 all throughout the worksheet. What is the solution? I used find and replace, it didn't find the value.

Thank you for the help.

Hi, Guity,

Have you ensured that

1. "Match entire cell contents" is not checked in the find/replace dialog box?

2. The "Look in" option is enabled with "Formula" and not with "Values" or "Comments"?
I unchecked Match entire cell, but it didn't work. I tried to find Look in option to enable it, but I couldn't find this option (because I searched and I found the the Look in should be enabled with formula), but the point is that I couldn't find Look in Option.... any help?


When you press CTRL+F to get the Find dialog box, click on the "Options >>" button to view more options that are available.

Now you should be able to the see the Look In drop down.


~Vijay Sharma