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To Change multiple pivot table filters based on cell value

Hi All,

Need your help to write a code to select filters of selected pivot table from a sheet

Let me explain briefly.

1) I have sheet Name called “Pivot”, in this sheet I have 80 + pivot table created based on data from different sheets.

2) I need to filter a value based on cell value to few pivot table filters (Out of 80+ pivot table, I want to filter a value only for 40 pivot table)

3) For eg. If I provided the 4(week number) as cell value. I want to select this “4” to selected pivot tables from Pivot sheets.

4) In the “Pivot” sheet, pivot tables contain one or more pivotfields. I want to filter “4” from pivotfields contains “week”
I'd strongly recommend altering your set up. 80+ Pivot in single workbook is not ideal to say the least.

If data sources are related in some way. I'd recommend creating data model (if Excel 2010 or later), and use the model as source of your Pivots.

However, without knowing your data layout and set up, it's near impossible to help you.