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Timesheet with conditions


New Member
I am trying to find a VBA code that would help me to perform the below:
- Check that core working hours (Details in Data tab - Core_Working_Hours range) are covered depending on language(s) spoken by team members (Details in Data tab - Languages range), if not an error message should pop up when a team member is trying to select hours that are not allowing the below to be covered.
Day Criteria:
If Weekday (except for Friday) - Core Working hours that needs to be covered are 08:45 am to 17:00
If Friday - Core Working hours that needs to be covered are 08:45 am to 15:45

Languages Criteria:
For French speakers - We need to have at least 2 speakers on the day with core working hours covered
For Italian/Spanish speakers - We need to have at least 1 speaker on the day with core working hours covered
For German speakers - We need to have at least 1 speaker on the day with core working hours covered
Can anybody help out?


  • Book1.xlsx
    49.3 KB · Views: 4
Do You have idea how many days those 'Language Criteria' are Okay in Your sample week?
as well as number of valid 'Day Criteria'?
While waiting Your answers ...
here one sample for You.
( I did some modifications. )


  • Book1.xlsb
    38.8 KB · Views: 5