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Time pie chart within cell


New Member
I received a spreadsheet with a pie type progress chart contained within the cell. It is divided into quarters. Put 3 in the cell and 25% of the pie is shaded. put in 9 and 75% is shaded. 12 and 100% and so on. What is this and how do I chnage it to read more than just quarter segments? Can I chnage to 1/12th segments. How can I show you what I am talking about?
Hi ,

If you can upload your spreadsheet , it will be easier for others to comment. For uploading , just use your favourite fiel-sharing website to upload your file , give others access rights to download and view / edit the file , and post the access link here , in this same topic.

Off-hand , I would like to ask you what happens if you enter in-between values , such as 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 ,... ? If the chart has been designed so that it increments in quarter steps , changing it to show increments of twelfths will mean a change in the axis range definition. Should be possible , but seeing the file will allow for a more specific answer.

Will upload file soon.

You are correct, if you put in any number between 1 and 12, the chart will round to the nearest quarter.
If that is the case, it is done either,

1) with conditional formatting

2) or formulas & special font (see here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/05/07/create-in-cell-pie-charts-in-excel-how-to/ )

For (1), just enter a number in a cell, select the cell, goto home > conditional formatting > icon sets > pie charts

Once selected, go to home > conditional formatting > edit rules and specify how you want the pie charts to show up.
Hi ,

You can see that Icon sets using 5 quarters have been used ; these have been used to represent the following 5 states :

1. Fully uncoloured

2. 25 % coloured

3. 50 % coloured

4. 75 % coloured

5. Fully coloured

Changing this to 12 pie slices directly , using the same scheme , is not possible , since the maximum possible states in the Icon sets is 5.

If you really need to have 12 pie slices , some other scheme will have to be devised.
