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Textbox phrase according to time of day-

Joe Mazzone

New Member
I have 2 textboxes, Daytime and TextBox1

Daytime automatically gives the system time:
I need Textbox1 to do the following:

If the time in DayTime is from 00:00:00 AM to 11:59:00 AM, then let textbox1 say the following phrase: Good morning.

If the time in DayTime is 12:00:00 PM until 05:00:00 PM, then let textbox1 say the following phrase: Good afternoon

If the time in DayTime is 06:00:00 PM until 11:59:00 PM, then let textbox1 say the following phrase: Good evening

Is it possible to do this?


  • DayTime.xlsm
    13.3 KB · Views: 2
An example :​
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    DAYTIME = Format(Time, "H:MM AM/PM")
    TextBox1 = "Good " & IIf(Time < 0.5, "morning", IIf(Time < 0.75, "afternoon", "evening"))
End Sub
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