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Text Project

Hi Chandoo,

My columns for my text project seem to be working except for a couple issues. 1) There is a comma between two last names (line 38) and there should be a hyphen. 2) On line 40, there is a comma between Van, Eaton and on line 38 a comma between Ashmun, Baker. Need to have a hyphen. 3) Also, sometimes there is no middle name and the last name appears in the middle name column(line45). 4)On line 44 has two last names with the first last name is the middle name column. Any clues on how to fix this? Thank you for your help. Joe, from Michigan.


  • Joeman364_20201202 (2) (2) (1).xlsb
    19.1 KB · Views: 4
Joseph Horling
Forum Rules has an answer to Your what does that matter,
You should reread those
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