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TEXT from NUMERIC cell


New Member
Hi all,

I have one query. Please help me.

If cell A5 contains 17/11/2011 i.e 50864. I changed its format as ddd i.e Thu


It looks like TEXT but the origin of that cell is a NUMBER i.e 50864.

But if I want to use "Thu" from cell A5 as a TEXT "Thu" in cell B5. Which formula can do this?

Please help me in this. Thank you!
Hi Atul ,

Try :


which will give you the string "Thursday".

The =TEXT function converts its numeric parameter to a text string. Using =TEXT(A5,"ddd") will give you the text string "Thu".


Thanks Narayan. Using this formula, size of that excel sheet reduced from 2 MB to 50kb.

B'coz we were using =LOOKUP formula and we had a list of dates till the year of 2090.

Thanks.. Thanks a lot!