Without using text to column feature, how can I extract the text "Alabama" from the below string.
I started with the below formula, but it is not working. Any help would be much appreciated.
=SUBSTITUTE(MID(SUBSTITUTE("-" & J11&REPT("-",6),",",REPT("-",255)),2*255,255),"-","")
2016-03 - Alabama- DirectConnect Summary Report.xlsm
Without using text to column feature, how can I extract the text "Alabama" from the below string.
I started with the below formula, but it is not working. Any help would be much appreciated.
=SUBSTITUTE(MID(SUBSTITUTE("-" & J11&REPT("-",6),",",REPT("-",255)),2*255,255),"-","")
2016-03 - Alabama- DirectConnect Summary Report.xlsm