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text box which refers to a cell

Yes, you can do that. Choose the text box, go to the formula bar, type = and then choose the source cell.

Then select the text box, go to Size and Properties and make sure it's locked. Protect the worksheet and the text box is now uneditable.

I believe there's a 256 character limit on the amount of text that can be passed.

- Juanito
Hi ,

Use a label ( either a Forms control or an ActiveX control ) , and in the formula bar , type in the reference to the cell ; for instance if you want the label to display the contents of cell H77 , in the formula bar , delete the formula which is already there , and enter =$H$77

Guys I am really sorry. I actually meant the text box should be editable, that is if I change the value in the text box it should also reflect in the corresponding reference cell. The value of the text box should also change as per a formula which depends on a particular cell
Hi ,

Use the LinkedCell property of the textbox ; set it to the cell address of the cell you want it to reflect ; suppose you set the LinkedCell property to H77 , then , when you change the contents of the textbox , the value in H77 will change accordingly.

Hi NARAYANK991, thanks but I can't edit the values in the textbox. I have changed the Locked status in properties to false but it still doesnt let me change it.
Hi ,

An ActiveX textbox will allow you to edit it , if you exit from Design mode.

Locked does not matter ; Enabled should be True.

thanks NARAYANK991 it works. But the problem is I have referenced this text box to a cell (say Sheet1!A1) which has a formula and which in turn takes values from another cell in another sheet (say Sheet2!A1). When I change the values in Sheet2!A1 it is reflected in the text box but when I change the values in the text box the formula in Sheet1!A1 gets deleted.
Hi ,

You cannot have a formula in a cell , and reference it through an editable textbox ; when you make a change in the textbox , the formula in the cell will be overwritten with the entered value.

What is your actual requirement ?
