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I would to sum selected range of column simoultaniosuy, lets suppose in below data i would like to take sum of column "data" from a till c , and then again a till c simoultaniosuy . Can anyone please tell me some suitable formula i can use.

id data

a 1

b 4

c 6

a 7

b 7

c 8
Welcome to the forums!

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "simultaneously"? In Excel, all formulas are usually calculated at the same time, so I'm not sure what you mean. Perhaps you could add on to your example and show what you would like to see?
Hi Luke ,

From what I have understood , what Khan means is that he'd like to use a formula to sum the first three values i.e. 1 , 4 and 6 to get 11 ; the same formula copied downwards , should then sum the next 3 values i.e. 7 , 7 and 8 to get 22.

Thanks Narayan. Using that logic, formula would be:


where A2 is the cell with first number, and all the 3's in the formula represent how many cells you want to sum at a time. Copy down formula as desired/needed.